Welcome to the BGI Nexus!
Crowd-sourcing human energy toward Beneficial AI and AGI, for our shared future

Announcement -

BGI Nexus Grant Funding: Round 1, has launched -

$500k in grants for beneficial AI projects will be awarded. Submission period closes 24th February...


Born from the BGI24 Summit and Unconference in February 2024, the BGI Nexus has been formed to take real-world action in collaborative global governance toward beneficial AGI. Nexus is a community that fosters discussion and derives insights on the future of responsible AI. We enable action through funding and other resource-sharing for the development of beneficial AI, AGI, and other impactful technologies or missions.

Our goal is to empower anyone and everyone to contribute to AI ethics governance, as well as provide resources towards developing responsible AI, such as financing, developer time, and computing and data resources. Our research project aims to gather human values on the ethics and future of AI to guide the development trajectory of responsible AI.

Why does AI Ethics matter?

AI Ethics are currently being shaped by academic institutions, governmental and non-governmental regulatory bodies, academia, and corporate interests.

However, AI (and future AGI) is starting to impact all of humanity at all levels in every aspect of our lives. Considering this global impact, the development and establishment of AI and AGI principles and ethics should also be global.

This initiative will be a decentralized global brain for shaping ethical AI/AGI, giving every human a voice and an opportunity for impact in the development of AI and our shared future.

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A vision for a new world

BGI - or Beneficial General Intelligence - is both a movement to contribute towards beneficial AI, and a sensemaking initiative, aiming to understand people's views on:

  • What the future of AI should look like?

  • What makes AI safe and ethical?

  • How they would like to interact with AI in the future?

Soon everyone on the planet will be affected by AI in some way - whether that's directly through digital technologies, or indirectly as AI shapes global systems. We want to make sure that everyone has a voice in how this develops.

Our initiative is a living research project, gathering insights from people all over the world. Within a year, we aim to create a donation and resource distribution platform, allowing people to donate time, compute power, and currency towards beneficial AI development goals, and other projects that benefit humanity and the world we live in.

Start Contributing Right Now!
There are many ways to become a part of the BGI Collective, contribute to the development of Artificial General Intelligence
  • Join the BGI Collective LinkedIn Group
    Connect with a community of like-minded individuals on LinkedIn. Engage in meaningful discussions about the future of AI and its ethical considerations. Join Now.
  • Take the Survey
    Participate in our survey to share your views on AI and contribute to our understanding of global perspectives on this transformative technology. Take the Survey Here.
  • Subscribe for Event Announcements
    Stay informed about our latest news, initiatives, and opportunities to get involved. Subscribe now.
  • Engage in Conversations of Exploration
    Participate in discussions about AI ethics, governance, and the future of technology. Conversations are a crucial component of developing and emerging global wisdom to shape a future that reflects the collective values and priorities of people around the world. Join the Discord conversation.
Panel Session
Horizons in AGI: Collaborative Governance for a Beneficial Future
AI is having a global and escalating impact on human activities, across regions and cultures. The speed of innovation already seems to outstrip the abilities of politicians and regulatory bodies to understand and legislate these emerging technologies. This panel will explore the theme of collaborative governance for AI and AGI, focusing on how different approaches to public and institutional participation might shape the future of these technologies.

- What role should governments play in the regulation of AI, and how can they effectively collaborate with industry and academia, and beyond?
- How do we bridge global divides in AI regulation, governance, and
- What role should public input play in the decision-making process for AI policies, and how can this input be effectively integrated into governance structures?
- How can we measure the effectiveness of inclusive governance approaches in AI, and what metrics should be used to assess their impact?
- What role should interdisciplinary collaboration play in developing effective AI governance models, and how can we foster such collaboration?

- David Wood, Chair of the London Futurists


- Dr. Ben Goertzel, CEO of SingularityNET, Chairman of the AGI Society
- Dr. Anneloes Smitsman, Co-Founder and CEO, EARTHwise Ventures
- Dr. Elizabeth Shaw, Founder, 1000 Black Voices
- Dr. Gabriel Axel Montes, Founder of Neural Axis
- Dr. Scott David, Executive Director - Information Risk and Synthetic Intelligence Research Initiative at UW
Virtual Roundtables
Ambassador Facilitated Working Group Sessions - Open to All Participants
Following the live-streamed panel, the SingularityNET Ambassador's AI Ethics Workgroup invites everyone to join our Virtual Working Group Roundtable Sessions, where you'll have the opportunity to participate in one of the following four breakout rooms:

Roundtable 01 -
Loyalty to Love (Devotion Factor) and Beyond the “Control Button” ApproachFacilitators: LeeLoo and Alex B.
Topic: Explore the process of forming Loyalty with AGI and the movement towards Love. Connecting and creating data or knowledge graphs to connect to Devotion.
Exploring Human-Human Alignment
Exploring AI-Emotional IQ
Exploring AI-Human Alignment
Exploring AI-Nature Alignment
Exploring co-evolution of AI and Human

Roundtable 02 - GEI and Collaborative Global Governance of AI/AGI
Facilitators: Dr. Esther Galfalvi and Haley Lowy

Topic: What is meaningful about Collaborative Governance?
- What does ‘collaborative’ governance mean, and what stakeholders are included? Experts? Politicians? Tech Leaders? Everyone?
- Is collaborative governance feasible/desireable on a global level; or is it better for a ethics and regulatory experts to create expert-level laws around AI and future-AGI?
How can Global Collaborative Governance be made practicable?- - How, practically, can global collaboration be facilitated?
- How, practically, could global governance operate?

Roundtable 03 -
Colaboración IA-humanos. La naturaleza de la AGI en la política, la sostenibilidad social y el bien común (in Spanish)

Facilitators: LATAM Ambassador Group
Topic: Colaboración IA-humanos, desarrollando la AGI como un bien común, aplicaciones transformadoras e impacto. AGI en política y desarrollo social sostenible. Aumentar las capacidades humanas, mejorando la productividad y la creatividad.

Roundtable 04 -
Indigenous Protocol and AI

Facilitator, Jenn Mayshiogie
Topic: Inspired by a recent position paper on AI and indigenous cultures, we will discuss how we design and create AI from an ethical position that centers Indigenous concerns.
Read more

Roundtable 05 -
Anthropomorphism vs. Personalization in AI

Facilitator, Colleen Pridemore
Topic: Humans tend to anthropomorphize AI, whether we're prompted by our individual feelings, or the way AI tools are marketed to us. But what are the ethical issues around this? How should we think of AI? Like a pet? Like a friend? Like a tool? And is AI "personalising" us?

These roundtable discussions are designed to foster collaborative thinking and generate actionable insights to shape the future of AGI.
FAQ - BGI Collective and Global AI Ethics Initiative
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